General Hospital of Preveza

The General Hospital of Preveza, a public hospital member of the National Health System of Greece, is dedicated to offering both primary and secondary healthcare to every individual, irrespective of their economic, social, or professional standing.

The General Hospital of Preveza plays an indispensable role not just for the Prefecture of Preveza but also for the broader Epirus region. Its existence and continual development encapsulate the ethos of medical service both on a local and national scale.

preveza hospital

History of the Preveza Hospital

  • Construction Timeline: Initiated in 1969 and finalized in 1972.
  • Location: Northeastern part of Preveza city in northwestern Greece.
  • Land Donation: Generously donated by Tasos Potamianos, spanning 14,830 m².
  • Facility Overview: Comprising two independent structures, the establishment covers a total of 2,900 m², accommodating all the unit services.
  • Operational Start: The hospital began functioning in June 1973, initially featuring Pathology and Surgery clinics with a 60-bed capacity. This was complemented by Outpatient Clinics and two laboratories: Microbiology and Radiology.
  • Expansion: Post the enactment of Law 1397/1983 (Single Health System), the hospital embarked on an expansion journey, culminating in its present capacity of 110 beds.

Mission & Role

  1. Deliver primary and secondary healthcare uniformly to every citizen in alignment with the Greek “National Health System” standards.
  2. Foster the advancement and encouragement of medical research.
  3. Execute specialized, ongoing medical education programs for doctors and facilitate the learning and training of other healthcare professionals.
  4. Continually strive to offer exemplary medical care and premium health services.

Historical Evolution

From its inception until now, the hospital has undergone substantial changes, not just in its operational methods but predominantly in the range of services it offers. While it commenced its journey with the Pathology and Surgery clinics having a 60-bed capacity in 1972, the institution experienced a significant transformation post its integration with the NHS in 1983, evolving to its current 110-bed capacity.

Departments & Services:

Clinical Departments:

  • Pathology:
  • Pathology Clinic
  • Artificial Kidney Unit
  • Cardiology Clinic
  • Coronary Heart Disease Unit
  • Pediatric Clinic
  • Surgical Department:
  • Surgical Clinic
  • Obstetrics – Gynaecology Clinic
  • Urology Clinic
  • Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
  • Orthopaedic Clinic

Outpatient Clinics:

  • Pathology
  • Cardiology
  • Pediatric
  • Surgical
  • Urology
  • Obstetrics – Gynaecology
  • Orthopaedics
  • Dental
  • Dermatology
  • Neurology
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Diabetology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Haematology


  • Microbiological-Biochemical
  • Haematology
  • Pathological Anatomy
  • X-ray Diagnostic
  • Blood Donation

Special Mention: The “ESTIA” Mental Rehabilitation Centre operates within the hospital’s framework, as part of the PSYCHARGOS program.

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