Daily Life in ancient Greece

Daily Life in ancient Greece

What we know about the daily life in ancient Greece is that men ran the government, and spent a great deal of their time away from home.

When not involved in politics, the men spent time in the fields, overseeing or working the crops, sailing, hunting, in manufacturing or in trade.

For fun, in addition to drinking parties called as Symposium, the men enjoyed wrestling, horseback riding, and the famous Olympic Games.

When the men entertained their male friends, at the popular drinking parties, their wives and daughters were not allowed to attend.

With the exception of ancient Sparta, Greek women had very limited freedom outside the home. They could attend weddings, funerals, some religious festivals, and could visit female neighbors for brief periods of time. In their home, Greek women were in charge! Their job was to run the house and to bear children.

Most Greek women did not do housework themselves. Most Greek households had slaves. Female slaves cooked, cleaned, and worked in the fields.

Male slaves watched the door, to make sure no one came in when the man of the house was away, except for female neighbors, and acted as tutors to the young male children.

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