Fighting Child Pornography in Greece

The ominous cloud of child pornography looms not only over Greece, but casts its dark shadow across the globe. Laws and regulations, both national and international, seek to curb the menace and punish those involved mercilessly. From a clear definition of what constitutes child pornography to the establishment of penalties for offenders, Greece is making progress in ensuring the safety and protection of minors.

stop child pornography in greece

However, the fight against child pornography is a long and arduous one. Offenders are becoming more sophisticated as technology advances, and the international nature of this crime makes it a complex issue to tackle. The alignment of Greek laws with international standards is a positive step towards creating a unified front against child pornography. The laws on child pornography in Greece reflect a robust legal framework that, together with international cooperation and individual vigilance, paves the way for the eradication of this heinous crime.

In order to understand the gravity and breadth of child pornography within the legal framework of Greece, it’s crucial to delve into the key aspects that constitute this form of criminal offense. This chapter attempts to clarify the legal definition of child pornography in Greece, examining the age limit for minors, the types of content classified as child pornography, and the distinction between real and virtual depictions.

Age demarcation for minors

In Greece, the age of minors is clearly defined. A child, in the legal sense, is anyone who has not yet reached the age of 18. This age demarcation is crucial as it establishes the legal boundary of childhood and protects individuals within this age group from sexual exploitation and other related crimes.

Types of Content Classified as Child Pornography

Child pornography is categorically defined by Greek law and encompasses a wide range of content that exploits minors. It includes, but is not limited to

  • Visual depictions: Images or videos of minors engaged in sexual activity.
  • Explicit material: Material that shows the genital organs of minors and is primarily intended for sexual arousal.
  • Online Content: Any form of child pornography distributed or made available over the Internet.
  • Simulated Activity: Content that depicts minors in explicit scenarios, even if the content is simulated or animated.

Distinction between real and virtual images

The law distinguishes between real and virtual depictions of child pornography. Real depictions involve actual minors engaged in explicit conduct, while virtual depictions involve simulated or computer-generated imagery (CGI). The latter, although it doesn’t involve real children, creates an environment conducive to child exploitation and is considered punishable under Greek law.

Sexual Exploitation: Real vs. Virtual

Sexual exploitation of minors in child pornography occurs in both real and virtual environments. Both forms of exploitation serve to devalue the dignity and intrinsic value of minors and violate their rights and well-being. The law seeks to encompass all possible avenues of exploitation and to ensure comprehensive protection of minors from sexual exploitation and abuse.

This precise delineation of what constitutes child pornography serves as a solid foundation for legal discourse and action against such heinous crimes. In addition, understanding these parameters is fundamental to social awareness and collective action to eradicate child pornography and promote child protection in Greece.

The Laws Regarding Child Pornography in Greece

The legal landscape in Greece regarding child pornography is structured to provide robust safeguards against the exploitation of minors. This chapter examines the specific laws, the range of penalties, and the alignment of Greek legislation with international laws to combat child pornography.

Article 348A – Criminal Code (Law 4619/2019): Child Pornography

Article 348A of the Greek Penal Code, pursuant to Law 4619/2019, clarifies the legal position against child pornography. It criminalizes the production, distribution, publication, exhibition, import, export, transfer, offer, sale, procurement, possession or dissemination of child pornographic material. It also criminalizes the transmission of information relating to the commission of such acts. The law is strict and aims to curb any form of exploitation of children, whether real or virtual.

The penalties under Greek law for child pornography offenses are severe and reflect the seriousness of the crime. They include

  • A minimum of one year imprisonment and a fine for general offenses.
  • A minimum of two years imprisonment and a fine for offenses committed through information systems.

The penalties are intended to serve as a deterrent and to ensure that individuals, groups, or entities engaged in such heinous acts will be held accountable.

In addition to Article 348A, there are other related laws and regulations that address child exploitation and pornography. These include provisions relating to the solicitation of minors for sexual purposes, sexual harassment and defamation. Together, these laws provide a comprehensive legal framework that addresses various facets of child exploitation.

International laws and their alignment with Greek legislation

Greek legislation on child pornography is consistent with international laws and conventions, ensuring a coherent and unified approach to eradicating child exploitation. The synergy between national and international law strengthens the legal framework and facilitates cross-border cooperation in the fight against child pornography.

Adherence to international standards reflects Greece’s commitment to creating a safe and protective environment for minors, both within its borders and in the global arena. Through a well-structured legal framework and strict enforcement, Greece aims to reduce the risks associated with child pornography and ensure the safety and well-being of minors.


Child pornography is a serious concern not only in Greece, but around the world. Here are some frequently asked questions that shed light on the Greek legal system’s stance and efforts to combat child pornography.

  • What is child pornography under Greek law?

Under Greek law, child pornography is defined as any depiction, by any means, of a child engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activity or any depiction of a child’s sexual organs primarily for sexual purposes.

  • How does the Greek legal system combat child pornography?

The Greek legal system combats child pornography through strict laws in the Criminal Code, such as Article 348A of Law 4619/2019, which criminalizes the production, distribution and possession of child pornography. In addition, it aligns with international laws to ensure a unified approach to child pornography.

  • What are the penalties for individuals involved in child pornography?

Penalties for individuals involved in child pornography under Greek law include a minimum of one year imprisonment and fines, with more severe penalties of at least two years imprisonment for offenses committed through information systems.

  • How does international law align with Greek legislation on child pornography?

Greek legislation on child pornography aligns with international law by adhering to global conventions and standards, ensuring a coherent and unified approach to the eradication of child exploitation. This alignment facilitates cross-border cooperation in the fight against child pornography.

  • What are the challenges for law enforcement in combating child pornography?

Challenges for law enforcement include the anonymous nature of Internet-based offenses, cross-border jurisdictional issues, and the rapid dissemination of illicit material online, which requires rapid action to apprehend offenders and protect victims.

  • How can individuals report suspected child pornography activity?

Individuals can report suspected child pornography activity to local law enforcement. There are also special hotlines and online platforms provided by various organizations to report such activity:

  • What educational resources are available for parents and guardians?

Various governmental and non-governmental organizations provide educational resources to help parents and guardians understand the risks of child pornography and how to protect children online. These resources include online guides, workshops and helplines that offer advice on keeping children safe online.

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